The Strangers: Prey at Night
The Skinny
A family vacations in an abandon trailer park and gets stalked by a group of masked crazies.
The Good
Creepy looking movie cover, and since the original Strangers was at least passable entertainment, I gave this one a go. There are some recognizable celebs in lead roles. And if this movie has anything going for it, it's darkness. So if you're scared of the dark, maybe this movie will provide some tension for you.
The Bad
Everything. Where to begin? For starters: characters we don't care about doing things we don't care about. And this is true for both the family and the strangers. The family has all the time in the world to run away or fight back, and they don't. There's one particularly annoying moment where two family members could easily overtake a stranger, but instead flail and shriek and corner themselves like morons. They shouldn't receive all the criticism though. The strangers have all the time in the world to kill the family members, but for no reason they take their time. And speaking of having reasoning for things, there's some hope throughout the movie that you will learn more about the strangers and their bloodlust. Near the end of the movie, a stranger shares their motivation for killing in two words, leading me to let out two huge sighs and start preying...I mean praying...I could get 90 minutes of my life back.
The Ugly
The slowest, boring-ist, ridiculous-ist, didn't-care-what-happened-ist showdown/finale I think I've ever seen in a horror movie. It turns into some sort of Wile E. Coyote cartoon except it isn't funny or entertaining.
The Bottom Line
I put the finale in thumbnail mode while I checked email on my phone, if that tells you anything about how engaged I was at the end.
0.2/5 stars
Please read carefully. It's not 2 starts out of 5, it's 0.2 stars.