iFly - session 13
I'll probably say this a lot in this blog series, but today’s visit was my favorite so far. Why? A few reasons!
First off, I got to fly with a buddy of mine today for the second time, and I think he’s getting the flying “bug” just about as much as I am. In fact, the two of us are buying out an entire half hour session next week, which is super fun (and maybe crazy?)! That means we’re going to fly 15 minutes a piece, broken up into ~2 minute flights.
The other reason I loved this session is I’m finally doing a better job of engaging my legs. My instructor gave me a few exercises where I had to push against him by fully extending my legs. He also had me fly much higher in the tube and do side slides while he interrupted the air flow beneath me. Kind of scary to feel like I’m gonna drop out of the sky like a rock, but thrilling at the same time. He also had me fly all the way down to the mat and then extend my arms and legs fully to shoot up into the air with a bit more force.
Oh, and I also got to do my favorite tunnel entrance where I step into the tunnel with my back to the wind, grip the door, and then let my legs hit the air one leg at a time. It kind of feels like someone is tripping you from behind, except you don’t fall (hopefully :-).
Last cool thing to share is I got my belly fly exits signed off on - booyah!
Below are some highlights from today’s flight. Total time iFlying as of today: 1 hour, 40 minutes.