iFly - session 12
Such a fun flying session! This time I went with my boys again. It was their third or fourth time, so they got to spend some time doing belly work - that's where the instructor brings down the wind speed so you're flat on the mat, and then works with you on turns and towards/away movements. On their final session, the instructor had them stretch out their arms and legs while also lowering their heads. These are the movements that start lifting you into the air on your own! I loved watching both my boys get an "OMG!" face when that happened, and come out of the tunnel with huge smiles on their faces!
I got to work more on side slides, which still frustrate me but I'm gonna get 'em one of these days! We also worked on flying with more of the body - I had to put my hands on my head and fly up and down, which was both scary and exhilarating. It might sound weird, but I think my favorite part was learning what I think is called a reverse entrance(?), and that's where you get into the tunnel, face the door, grip it, and then let your legs get carried up into the air. It felt like I might fall on the ground and break my face, but once that DIDN'T happen, I loved it! Check out the video below.
Total time iFlying as of today: 1 hour, 30 minutes