# iFly - session 10

Published 2022-03-03

This visit was extra fun because I brought a buddy with me, who had flown once many years ago. We also flew with a group of first-timers. Now I know I'm a big dumb animal, but it is so fun for me to watch people do iFly for the first time. I love seeing their reaction to hitting the wind - whether it be an expression of joy or terror. I try my best to root for them from the sidelines, but I'm not sure if it does any good, since some first-timers clamp their eyelids shut!

After my last visit, I came into today's flights with only the tunnel exit and side slides left in the level 1 skills list. My instructor spent one run having me do several entrances and exits. I overshot a few of my entrances and almost tapped the tunnel glass, but after the third or fourth time I hit the pocket pretty well. My exits went smooth for the most part too, though one time I came at the door way too high, so it was recommended to me that I don't do that again - it's a safety issue. Speaking of that, one of the new flyers must've forgotten the tunnel exit instructions because he didn't hold on to the door frame at all and almost went head first into the ground!

My side slides still elude me. I can picture what my arms and legs should be doing, and I've watched the instructional video a bunch of times, but it's still not fully clicking for me. It just feels like if I even look left or right, my body goes there immediately...which is probably good, but if I add any arm or leg movements I fear I'm going to slam into the side of the tunnel. I'm kind of getting a hang of it - and captured at least one decent slide in this video:

Good news is that the instructor said my exits look good and would sign off on them in the Tunnelflight portal. That means I only have these pesky side slides to master and then it will be on to level 2 and back flying!

On a side note, the buddy I brought with me today asked what it would take to rent the tunnel exclusively for just the two of us. Apparently you have to buy three of the 10-flight passes and then we could (theoretically) fly 15 minutes a piece at 2 minutes per flight. Even a dork like me is concerned that it might be too much flying for one sitting, but if we make that epic flight visit happen, I'll most certainly blog about it :-)

As of today my total tunnel time is: 1 hour, 10 minutes and my new wind speed is 68!